How to Get Lexile Measures
Lexile measures are the most ubiquitous reading metric in the world, making it easy for educators to match students with text, accelerating their reading development and ensuring that they are on the path to success in school, college and career.
Lexile Reading Measures
Students receive a Lexile reading measure from a reading test or program. We don’t offer a proprietary test that reports Lexile measures. Instead, we partner with state departments of education and test publishers to create assessments or link to existing assessments that can report students’ reading scores as Lexile measures.
It’s more than likely your students receive Lexile reading measures. More than 35 million students in all 50 states receive Lexile measures, and more than 65 popular reading assessments and programs and over 20 state assessments report Lexile measures. Browse products that report Lexile reading measures.
Lexile Text Measures
It’s easy for teachers, librarians and reading specialists to find materials with Lexile text measures.
A book, article or piece of text receives a Lexile text measure when it’s analyzed by our algorithm that evaluates text complexity. We partner with more than 200 publishing companies and have measured nearly 300,000 books and counting. We also partner with the nation’s largest periodical database service providers, such as EBSCO, GALE and ProQuest, to provide Lexile measures for newspaper and magazine articles, as well as encyclopedia and reference content.
Through these partnerships, today more than 100 million articles and websites provide Lexile measures for their reading materials. See the publishers and products that provide Lexile text measures.
States Offering Lexile Measures
We work with over a dozen state departments of education to link their statewide assessments to the Lexile scale. Browse which states are providing Lexile measures for their students.
Want to find a book's Lexile measure?
Our popular Lexile® Find a Book tool searches for books based on your student's reading ability and interests. Using its Quick Search feature quickly finds a book's Lexile measure for you.